Indian Head Massage Healing Stories

I’ve had a succession of indian Head Massages from Yasmin, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I'd not tried it before, so Yasmin explained the technique and its effects, and answered my questions. During the sessions she checked that I was comfortable and responded to my preferences for more or less pressure. At the end of the massage, I felt so relaxed and calm, and stayed in that state for several hours.


Definitely recommended!




Yasmin’s Indian Head massages have also provided me with a similar boost to her Reiki treatments over the years, whilst also helping to relieve tensions in my neck and shoulders.




I have now had several Indian Head Massage and Reiki treatments from Yasmin and I have to say that although I am not all that spiritual and don’t buy into the energies aspect of these treatments. They are however, profoundly relaxing and It has to be said that they certainly have the effect of making me very sleepy during and ‘Spaced out’ and calm and relaxed afterwards. All I can say is that if you are suffering from stress or lack of sleep then you won’t go far wrong than asking Yasmin to give you either an Indian Head massage or Reiki treatment.

