" The beauty of this form of massage is that you are not restricted to the use of your hands alone. The massage uses the whole body, in soft flowing movements, to create a kind of dance between giver and receiver." Nicola Smith
About Thai Yoga Massage
Thai yoga Massage has its roots in India rather than Thailand. Buddhist Monks from India Travelled to Thailand and passed on this healing art. Thai Yoga Massage has been part of traditional Thai Medicine ever since.
Thai yoga Massage is a mixture of massage techniques, Sen Energy line work & classical Hatha Yoga stretches. This mixture makes Thai Yoga Massage a very complete & diverse treatment.
The treatment takes place on a futon & the client is fully clothed during the session.
The treatment can be very dynamic or it can be very calming depending on the client’s needs & treatment chosen by the practitioner. Yasmin has over two hours of massage techniques and training and she will select a sequence that best suits each individual client.
Traditionally Thai Yoga Massage is a two hour treatment so that the whole body is worked on.
Treatments can be shorter based on client’s wishes & needs.
Thai yoga massage allows the energy field of the body to rebalance itself. The Treatment works from the feet to the head.
Starting with the feet, the treatment then progresses to the stomach & chest, continuing to the arms, the back of the body, the side body & finally works on the head & neck. It also contains a section which is treated in a seated position.
There are ten Sen energy lines on the body, which are worked on during a session. The Sen lines support the healing process and each line has a different function & therapeutic quality.
Thai Yoga Massage has roots in Buddhism and requests that the practitioner works with ‘loving kindnesses’ & empathy towards their client.
Yasmin practices Northern style Thai Yoga Massage. This style places lots of emphasis on the legs as the Northern Thai’s were farmers & so the massage reflects their needs and lifestyle.
1st session 1.5 hours: £50.00 (with 15 min consultation)
Subsequent Sessions 1 Hour £45.00
2 hour massage: £80.00
1.5 hour massage £60.00
Back of legs & back of body massage 30mins: £30.00
Feet and leg massage: 30mins: £30.00
To find out more or book a Thai Yoga Massage appointment in Brighton:
Call 07891 851 229